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Wise & Well Training Center

From prevention and physical health to mental health and well-being and everything in between.

Wise and Well

Even on our best days, we could all use a little support.

Our health and well-being are constantly facing challenges throughout the day, both at home and work. When certain events create tension, our bodies and minds feel stressed. It’s a natural response to change. When something occurs that requires attention or a specific action — we feel this demand. Then, in one way or another, we respond to it.

Small modern life stressors:

  • The ding of an email alert
  • The line to check out at the grocery store
  • Bad news on social media
  • Concerns about weight or appearance
  • Having a heavy workload

Significant modern life stressors:

  • Battling chronic illness or injury
  • Caregiving responsibilities
  • Finances
  • Mental well-being issues
  • Death of a loved one

To varying degrees, all of us are experiencing some of these stressors. NFP’s Wise & Well experts know that managing them is a constant work in progress requiring holistic, easily accessible solutions. We recognize that stress affects everyone, physically and mentally, at home and work, and we’re here to provide the tools and resources to manage it better.

That is why we’ve created our Wise & Well Center of Excellence. We know that to combat stress, we must consider multiple dimensions of well-being and focus on the whole person. That is the inspiration driving this resource — from prevention and physical health to mental health and well-being and everything in between. NFP’s Wise & Well experts are here to empower you with strategies and sound advice to drive your day forward.

Whether it’s a nudge towards a healthy snack or a reminder to breathe in the middle of the day, our goal is to keep you at your personal best so you can be your best for everyone that counts on you.

2024 Wise & Well Employee Webinars

Webinars by Month

Topic: Making Self-Improvement Stick: Strategies for Thriving In our Modern World
Date/Time: 1/16/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration: Register Here
Speaker: Ally Meyers
Employee Flyer: Download

Topic: Fueling Well-Being: Optimizing Your Life through Performance Nutrition
Date/Time: 3/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration: Register Here
Speaker: Jessica Giglia
Employee Flyer: Download

Topic: Brain ON! Mental Fitness Strategies to Combat Stress, Burnout and Achieve Peak Performance at Work
Date/Time: 4/9/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration: Register Here
Speaker: Deb Smolensky
Employee Flyer: Download

Topic: What's the State of Your Mental Health? Recognize how you're really doing and learn strategies for staying healthy
Date/Time: 5/14/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration: Register Here
Speakers: Amy Cirbus, DeDe Alexander and Neal Kennington
Employee Flyer: Download

Topic: Navigating Your Financial Roadmap Through All Stages of Life
Date/Time: 7/9/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration: Register Here
Speakers: Nick Walker and Michael Hoch, Wealth Management, NFP
Employee Flyer: Download

Topic: Healthy Aging
Date/Time: 9/10/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration: Coming soon
Speakers: TBD

Topic: Compassionate Caregiving
Date/Time: 11/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration: Coming soon
Speakers: TBD

2024 Well-Being Webinars and Supplemental Materials

What's the State of Your Mental Health?

Brain ON! Mental Fitness Strategies to Combat Stress and Burnout to Achieve Peak Performance at Work

Fueling Well-Being: Optimizing Your Life through Performance Nutrition

Making Self-Improvement Stick: Strategies for Thriving in Our Modern World

2023 Well-Being Webinars and Supplemental Materials

Compassionate Caregiving: Honoring Humanity Through End-of-Life Planning

Navigating Your Financial Roadmap

Mental Health Awareness Month: Reducing the Stigma

Managing Stress Through Resiliency and Self-Care

Enhancing Immunity Through Nutrition, Sleep, and More

Cultivating Healthy Habits

2022 Well-Being Webinars and Supplemental Materials

Financial Fitness – Planning for Your Legacy

Adult Mental Health First Aid

Optimizing Immunity Through Nutrition

Ergonomic Essentials